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April 2013

I have been offered a lease buyout, but instead of one lump sum, the lease buyout company is offering payments over a number of years. Should I consider this?

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I have been offered a lease buyout, but instead of one lump sum, the lease buyout company is offering payments over a number of years. Should I consider this? The answer is that it depends… Read More »I have been offered a lease buyout, but instead of one lump sum, the lease buyout company is offering payments over a number of years. Should I consider this?


Many landowners assume that because of the frequency of contacts that their cell site or tower has something unique about it or that there is some “event” that is occurring that is driving the interest.… Read More »feature


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A company that is not connected with the lease makes an offer to acquire the lease payments. In this case, the landowner conveys future rent payments that they would otherwise receive to that company. We… Read More »3


A company that is not connected with the lease makes an offer to acquire the lease payments. In this case, the landowner conveys future rent payments that they would otherwise receive to that company. We… Read More »2


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A company that is not connected with the lease makes an offer to acquire the lease payments. In this case, the landowner conveys future rent payments that they would otherwise receive to that company. We… Read More »1