The lease buyout companies are not the same. Each has their own “spin” that they put on their product to try to make it more attractive. Some will try to emphasize that they can market your property better, others will suggest that they will take a lesser share of any future revenue they bring to the property. Some require you to pay higher fees in conjunction with the sale of the lease, while others do not. Some are more willing to agree to shorter term purchases than others. Not all of the buyers value each of the leases the same. A few lease buyout companies have more onerous financing and thus are more restrictive in their purchase agreements and take longer to complete their due diligence. And, unfortunately, some are more willing to back out of a signed deal than others. Only when you have worked with each of them multiple times (like we have) do you know what they can and can’t do.
Let’s say I have decided to sell. Are all lease buyout companies equal?
- by admin